Best Personal Alarm Systems for Seniors

In our ever-growing population of seniors, it’s important to make sure they’re safe and comfortable in their own homes. One way to do this is by installing a personal alarm system. These systems can provide peace of mind for both seniors and their loved ones, by providing a way for help to be called quickly in the case of an emergency. Here’s a guide on choosing the best personal alarm systems for seniors in Australia:

How do personal alarms for the elderly work?

Personal alarms for seniors usually come in the form of a pendant or wristband that can be worn at all times. In the event of an emergency, the user can press a button to trigger an alarm. This will then send a signal to a base unit, which will in turn call for help.

Why Do Seniors Need Personal Alarms?

There are many reasons why seniors might need a personal alarm system. These can include:

  • Being at risk of falls
  • Having chronic health conditions
  • Living alone
  • Feeling vulnerable or unsafe in their home

What to Look for in a Personal Alarm System for Seniors?

When choosing a personal alarm system for your parent or grandparent, there are several things to keep in mind. These include:

Ease of use

The system should be easy for the senior to use, so that they can call for help quickly in an emergency.


The system should have a good range, so that it can still be used even if the senior is not near the base unit.


Personal alarm systems can vary in price, so it’s important to find one that fits your budget and offers funding options if needed.


The system should be reliable, so that help can be called when needed.

Customer service

It’s important to choose a company with good customer service so that you are coordinating with people who are professional, patient and kind towards their clients.

Important safety features to look for

When choosing a personal alarm system, there are several important safety features to look for. These can include.

Two-way communication

This feature allows the senior to speak to the operator or Customer Care Team, so that he or she can explain their situation and get help quickly.

GPS tracking

This feature allows the wearer to be found even if they are not near their home, which can be helpful if they have wandered off or become lost.

Fall detection

This feature can detect if the senior has fallen, and will automatically call for help even if they are unable to press the button on their pendant or wristband.


This feature is important for seniors who live near bodies of water, as it means that they can still use the alarm even if they are wet.

Why Tunstall Healthcare has the Best Personal Alarm Systems for Seniors

There are a lot of companies that offer personal alarm systems for seniors, but Tunstall is the best in the industry for a few reasons. First, our personal alarm systems are very easy to use. All the client has to do is press a button, and help will be on the way. Second, our personal alarms offer additional features, including 24/7 monitoring, automatic fall detection, and GPS tracking. This means that our clients can always feel safe and secure, knowing that help is just a button away. Third, we have a long history of providing quality service. We have been in business for over 65 years, and we have an excellent reputation. We are dedicated to providing the best possible service to our clients, and we are always here to help in any way we can. If you are looking for the best personal alarm system for an elderly loved one, then look no further than Tunstall. We will provide you with the peace of mind that you need and deserve. Contact us today to find out more about our products.

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